Vés enrere Workshop: "Rights and Courts in the COVID-19 pandemic: a comparative perspective from Spain and Portugal" (25.03.21)

Workshop: "Rights and Courts in the COVID-19 pandemic: a comparative perspective from Spain and Portugal" (25.03.21)



Primer panell:

"Judicial review and fundamental rights in Spain during the COVID-19 pandemic: looking for the appropiate level of scrutiny" (a càrrec de Joan Solanes, Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

"Scrutinizing violations of fundamental rights in Portugal - The relevance of the courts in the times of pandemic" (a càrrec de Catarina Santos, Universitat Catòlica Portuguesa)


Segon panell:

"Voting during emergency: a challenge of the Portuguese Constitutional System" (a càrrec de Sofia Pinto i Benedita Mac Crorie, Universitat de l'Miño)

"Democracy in the pandemic: the tension between public health and voting rights" (a càrrec de Aida Torres, Universitat Pompeu Fabra)



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