Informació cursos de Doctorat 2019-2020
Durant el primer trimestre del curs acadèmic 2019-2020, hi ha programats els cursos de doctorat que es detallen tot seguit.
Cursos de Doctorat
1.- Seminari: "International Labour Standards in a European Context"
Keith David Ewing [King's College London]
The purpose of the course is to use Labour law and Labour standards as a vehicle for teaching a number of themes that are typically germane to doctoral work. These include: International relations and international governance; constitutional law and the application of international standards in domestic law; human rights and the rule of law, at international and national level; transnational legal studies, with reference to initiatives such as European Works Councils; globalisation, austerity and their implications for workers and citizens; and Globalisation, citizenship and the movement of peoples.
2.- Seminari de Metodologia Jurídica
Impartit pels professors de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra:
Elena Larrauri, 6 novembre
Oriol Mir, 14 novembre