Pastor, Elena
Pastor, Elena
Current position:
Documentalist in the Virtual Health Sciences Library of the Balearic Islands (Bibliosalut).
Academic training:
Diploma in Library Sciences from the Universidad de Salamanca, Degree in Documentation from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Master in Social Media from the Universitat Oberta de Cataluny.
Research interests:
Academic SEO, Altmetrics, Bibliometrics, Open Science.
Current research projects:
Finishing a research about the importance of the use of de Digital Object Identifier in the articles.
Recent publications:
García-puente, M., Pastor-ramon, E., Agirre, O., Morán, J., García-puente, M., & Pastor-ramon, E. (2020). Research note. Open letter to the users of the new PubMed: a critical appraisal. 1–5.
Herrera-Peco, I., Santillan-Garcia, A., Cuesta-Lozano, D., Pastor-Ramon, E., García-Puente, M., Aguirre, O., & Moran, J. M. (2019). Critical appraisal of the systematic review and meta-analysis of intra-articular ozone therapy efficiency to attenuate pain in knee osteoarthritis. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 102244.
Garcia‐Puente, M., Pastor‐Ramon, E., Agirre, O., Moran, J. M., & Herrera‐Peco, I. (2019). The use of Sci‐Hub in systematic reviews of the scholarly literature. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, cid.12815.