Serrano Tellería, Ana
Ana Serrano is an Associate Professor (ANECA, Spanish Official Agency, 7. 2017) at University of Castilla La Mancha, SP (Design, Multimedia, Transmedia & Mobile Devices - Journalism & Communication). Postdoc at LabCom.IFP Research Laboratory, Beira Interior University, PT (2013, ...) and MESO, San Andrés University, AR and Northwestern University, EEUU (2017, ...). Postdoc, coordinator of 5 Ph.D candidates in the EU FEDER project 'Public & Private in Mobile Communications' at LabCom, Beira Interior University, PT(4. 2013 - 2015), EU & MAIS CENTRO - Portuguese Government. Head of the Communication Department at the Modern Art Museum of Santander, SP (2015-16). Lecturer of Cyberculture (2013-15). Full grant (EEUU Embassy in SP) for Seminar 'Entrepreneurial Journalism: A Renewed Hope' (2014), University of Castilla La Mancha, SP. Extraordinary Ph.D Award (Creativity, innovation, impact and relevance; 2012), Ph.D. ('Initial Node Design on Cybermedia: A Comparative Study', 2010) and Bachelor in Journalism (2002) by the University of The Basque Country, SP. Full grant (2006-08) and research contract (2008-10) to develop Ph.D by the University of the Basque Country. First cycle of English Translation and Interpretation, University of Alicante, SP (2000). Management of European projects and International Cooperation ones in Documenta, SP (2012-13). Responsible of the Communication Department in the Territorial Development Agency "Campoo Los Valles", SP (2011). Master in Innovation Management, University of Cantabria, SP (Full grant, 2010-11). Visiting researcher at the Faculty of Communication in the Federal University of Salvador de Bahia, BR (Full grant Spanish Ministry of Science & Innovation, 2009). Cultural Manager for the University of the Basque Country, SP (2005), Master in Theatre & Performing Arts (2004-05), University of the Basque Country. Theatre teacher, SP (2003-04). Online journalist in, Vocento, SP (2002-03). Other grants: Spanish Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs & Ministry of Employment & Social Security, Marcelino Botin Foundation. Reviewer: SAGE, ICA, IAMCR, IGI Global, iJIM, Communication Studies, Latina, Derecom,, etc.
-Corporate and Intercultural Communication, Entrepreneurial Journalism, Media Studies, Digital
-Mobile / On-Offline Communication and Design, Performing & Stage Arts.