Diaz Noci, Javier (2)
Communication Department
DigiDoc Group
Full Professor
Personal website
Current position:
Full Professor. Coordinator of the DigiDoc research group.
Academic training:
BA in Journalism (University of the Basque Country, 1987), PhD in History (University of the Basque Country, 1992). PhD in Law (Pompeu Fabra University, 2016).
Research interests:
Digital Journalism. Digital humanities and history of communication. Inequality and digital media. Copyright and digital media.
Current research projects:
Head of the project News, Networks and Users in the Hybrid Media System (Newsnet). Transformation of News and Media Industry in the Post-Industrial Era”, Spanish R+D+I call, Society Challenges. Reference: RTI2018-095775-B-C43. Three years: April 2019-April 2022. Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.
Recent publications:
- Díaz-Noci, J. Artificial intelligence systems-aided news and copyright: assessing legal implications for journalism practices. Future Internet 2020; 12(5).
- Díaz Noci, J. Gazeta de Ámsterdam: history and content analysis. Historia y comunicacion social 2020; 25(1): 67-78.
- Odriozola-Chéné, Javier; Díaz-Noci, Javier; Serrano-Tellería, Ana; Pérez-Arozamena, Rosa; Pérez-Altable, Laura; Linares-Lanzman, Juan; García-Carretero, Lucía; Calvo-Rubio, Luis-Mauricio; Torres-Mendoza, Manuel; Antón-Bravo, Adolfo. Inequality in times of pandemics: How online media are starting to treat the economic consequences of the coronavirus crisis. Profesional de la información 2020; 29(4): 1-16.
- Díaz-Noci, Javier. Intellectual property and transmedia informative products: A comparative, transnational legal analysis. Profesional de la información 2020; (20): 31-39.
- Díaz Noci, J.; Espejo Cala, C. Propiedad, modelos de negocio y poder en los albores del periodismo: centro y periferia en la prensa en lengua(s) española(s) del siglo XVII. Páginas 2020; 12(29).
- Lopezosa, Carlos; Codina, Lluís; Díaz-Noci, Javier; Ontalba, José Antonio. SEO and the digital news media: From the workplace to the classroom. Comunicar 2020; (63).
- Díaz-Noci, Javier. Cómo los medios afrontan la crisis: retos, fracasos y oportunidades de la fractura digital. Profesional de la información 2019; 28(6): 1-13.