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Migrations Between Senegal and Spain: An Analysis of Migration, Family and Labor Market Trajectories of Senegalese Immigrants in Spain

Migrations Between Senegal and Spain: An Analysis of Migration, Family and Labor Market Trajectories of Senegalese Immigrants in Spain

The project Migrations Between Senegal and Spain (MESE) aims to contribute to overcome the existing lack of understanding of the patterns and determinants of African migration to Europe by providing statistically representative data for the Senegalese population residing in Spain (both documented and undocumented), which can be analyzed within the wider context of the data collected in the framework of the VII Framework Program Project Migration Between Africa and Europe (MAFE) Project. 
Its main objectives are: 1. To conduct a biographic survey representative of the Senegalese population living in Spain, which will enlarge the one already conducted in 2008 and will allow then for separated and reliable analyses of the Spanish case. 2. To describe the patterns of migration between Senegal and Spain, in comparative perspective. 3. To explain the determinants of the individuals' migration decisions (including not only the decision to leave Senegal but also the return migration and circulation), by paying especial attention to the role played by chaging immigration policies and economic situation both at origin and destination in shaping those decisions. 3. To gain a deeper understaning of the patterns of socio-economig integration of Senegalese migrants and their relationship with changes in their legal status. 4. To analyze the interactions between family formation and international migration, including both nuptiality and fertility patterns.

Principal researchers

Pau Baizán


Cris Beauchemin
Amparo González
Antonino Levatino
Mao-Mei Liu
Ognjen Obucina
Inmaculada Serrano Sanguinilda
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. VI Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica (CSO2009-12816).