Back International Seminar on Violence Against Women in Intimate Relations

International Seminar on Violence Against Women in Intimate Relations



******* International seminar on Intimate Partner Violence Against Women *******  Barcelona October 30th and 31st
A seminar on Intimate Partner Violence Against Women will be held at the CENTRE D'ESTUDIS JURÍDICS I FORMACIÓ ESPECIALITZADA (CEJFE), located at Carrer d'Ausiàs Marc, number 40, on October 30th and 31st, 2019.
The Seminar is organized jointly by the Demosoc Research Group and the Criminology and Penal System Research Group of the Universitat Popmpeu Fabra, and it is sponsored by the Recercaixa Foundation.
It is targeted to researchers, practitioners and the general public. The seminar is free and it's not necessary to register in order to attend it.
Click on the link to see the  program



SDG - Sustainable Development Goals:

Els ODS a la UPF
