Full Professor at the UPF Dept. of Information and Communication Technologies

Serra Húnter Fellow, ICREA Academia (2019-2024)

Head of TIDE (Interactive and Distributed Technologies for Education reearch group)

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Davinia Hernández-Leo is full professor of Engineering and Information and Communication Technologies and Serra Húnter Fellow at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona), where she teaches and conducts research on human-centered computing, network and computer applications, and learning sciences. Specifically, her research is focused on the intersection of these fields, framed in the area of Learning and Collaboration Technologies. She is the head of the Interactive and Distributed Technologies for Education research group (TIDE) and Commissioner for research in educational innovation at UPF. She is also currently an ICREA-Academia fellow. 

Prof. Hernández-Leo received the Telecommunications Engineering and the Ph.D. degrees from Universidad de Valladolid, Spain, in 2003 and 2007, respectively. She has been visiting researcher at Open University of the Netherlands in 2006, Fulbright Scholar at Virginia Tech in 2012, and visiting academic at the University of Sydney in 2015. She is a former Vice-Dean of the UPF Engineering School and former head of its Unit for Teaching Quality and Innovation.

Prof. Hernández-Leo has been Vice-President of the European Association for Technology-Enhanced Learning, a Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions of Learning Technologies, chair of the IEEE ICICLE SIG on Learning Technology Data Standards and is currently an elected member of the CSCL Committee within the International Society of the Learning Sciences and member of the Steering Committee of the European Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning.

Prof. Hernández-Leo has published extensively and has received several awards, including conference best paper awards (ICALT2004, ID+TIC2009, CAE2010, finalist EDEN2015, finalist ICALT2020), best demo recognitions (ECTEL2013, ECTEL2018, ECTEL2021), a European award for excellence in the field of CSCL technology, and tech-transfer and social impact recognitions (IMS, ITWorld, GSMA, UPF). Prof. Hernández-Leo has been also awarded with several teaching recognitions by the UPF Board of Trustees and by the Catalan Government (Vicens Vives).

Prof. Hernández-Leo is very active in research supervision (PhD students, visitors, etc.), in participation and lead of European and national projects, and in collaborations with companies, non-profit organizations, policy makers and private foundations.  

Her research activity is broadly centered on the domain of learning technologies, spanning fields such as learning design technology, computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL), community platforms, learning analytics, and architectures and devices for learning. Currently, she is looking into the interplay of learning design with data analytics, with an emphasis in the domain of CSCL.

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