Back Laura Fernández participates in a round table on images and animal liberation activism

Laura Fernández participates in a round table on images and animal liberation activism



On Friday, 7th June, CritiCC's member Laura Fernández participated in a round table about Images and animal liberation activism. Laura talked about her own PhD thesis work-in-progress on strategic visual communication in the animal liberation movement.

The round table was celebrated in EFTI (Centro Internacional de Fotografía y Cine - International Center of Photography and Cinema) in Madrid. The session was titled Cara a cara con la imagen. ¿Cuántas veces te atreves a mirar? (Face to face with the image. How many times do you dare to look?) and it count on the participation of the journalist Ruth Toledano and the photographers and animal liberation activists Ruth Montiel Arias and Estela Castro.

You can check the video of the discussion here.




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