Back Book Chapter: Queering the Metaverse. Queer Approaches to Virtual Reality in Contemporary Art

Book Chapter: Queering the Metaverse. Queer Approaches to Virtual Reality in Contemporary Art



Meta’s announcement of Horizon Worlds has been considered the metaverse’s launching, but artists, scholars, researchers, and users (among others) have been exploring virtual and extended realities for a long time now. The same cyber-feminist movement meant to tech culture during the first years of the text-based internet, the same queer-feminist artists are facing by counter-imagining Zuckerberg’s metaverse. By conducting a close reading analysis of five VR/AR art pieces by queer and feminist artists – Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley’s Resurrection Lands (2021), Jacolby Satterwhite’s Domestika (2017), micha cárdenas’ Sin Sol/No Sun (2018), Pete Jiadong Qiang’s Vampyroteuthis Infernalis (2020), and Tabitha Nikolai’s Sick Trans-sex Gloria (2017) – this chapter aims to demonstrate how queer virtual world-making is imagining the metaverse otherwise while developing new tools to critically analyse its hegemonic, capital-oriented versions.


Keywords: queer, metaverse, contemporary art, Virtual Reality

You can read the chapter here.