Back Keynote at ROMCIR 2023

Keynote at ROMCIR 2023



Udo Kruschwitz, local PI of the COURAGE project at the University of Regensburg, has ben invited to present a keynote talk at ROMCIR 2023, the 3rd Workshop on Reducing Online Misinformation through Credible Information Retrieval ( The workshop will be colocated with the 45th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2023) in Dublin in April. ECIR ( is a CORE A-rated conference and is the key European research venue for research in the area of information retrieval and related fields such as conversational assistants and natural language processing. The talk will provide an overview of aims and achievements of the COURAGE project and will offer exposure to a broad audience.

The COURAGE project will actually have a strong presence at ECIR with a short paper by Gregor Donabauer entitled "Exploring Fake News Detection with Heterogeneous Social Media Context Graphs” accepted for presentation (acceptance rate 27%) and another paper at ROMCIR by Hoai-Nam Tran entitled "Towards Reducing Misinformation and Toxic Content Using Cross-Lingual Text Summarization”.



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