Back COURAGE team in Milan-Bicocca organized a 5 hours mini-course on social media networks' modelling and their effects on society.

COURAGE team in Milan-Bicocca organized a 5 hours mini-course on social media networks' modelling and their effects on society.



COURAGE team in Milan-Bicocca  organized  a 5 hours  mini-course on social media networks' modelling and their effects on society. It comprised also an interactive educational experiment to show the impact of social media influence.


After a brief introduction of graph theory,  the main Social media threats, such as confirmation bias, filter bubble, echo chambers, backfire and addiction have been presented to the class. 

The goal was to introduce the complex dynamics that originate from the multiple components and levels that interact at the same time: users' opinion, algorithmic personalization, the network structure can act in a nonlinear way and negative phenomena could arise if not properly addressed. 

The course was attended online-live by about  30 students of the master courses in Applied Experimental Psychological Studies, Theory and Technology of Communication, and Computer Science and others will study the material offline.




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