Vés enrere 20/06/19: Seminari 'Austerity imaginaries in contemporary popular culture'

20/06/19: Seminari 'Austerity imaginaries in contemporary popular culture'



El dijous 20 de juny de 9.00 a 13.30 h se celebrarà a la sala 51.100 (edifici 51. La Nau) del campus del Poblenou de la UPF el seminari 'Austerity imaginaries in contemporary popular culture', organitzada pel grup de recreca MEDIUM dins el marc del projecte 'Herois de la Crisi: Narratives i discurs social en la cultura popular contemporània' (finançat pel Ministeri d'Economia i Competitivitat, CSO2014-56830-P).
En aquesta jornada compatarem amb la presència de Diane Negra (University College Dublin) i Rebecca Bramall (London College of Communication) com a ponents convidades, així com les investigadores i investigadors del projecte: Mercè Oliva i Óliver Pérez-Latorre (IPs), Reinald Besalú, Lorena Gómez-Puertas, Víctor Navarro-Remesal (CESAG), Antonio José Planells de la Maza (Tecnocampus Mataró), Xavier Ruiz Collantes i Cristina Sanchez-Sanchez (UPF).
L'assistència al seminari és gratuïta, però cal inscriure's prèviament. En el cas d'investigadores i investigadors predoctorals, l'assistència a aquesta jornada podrà ser convalidada com a Activitat Formativa (AF3), prèvia autorització del director o directora de tesi.

Austerity imaginaries in contemporary popular culture - Final Seminar of the research project 'Heroes of the crisis: Narratives and social discourses in contemporary popular culture'
The economic crisis that followed the ‘crash’ of 2008 and that affected several Western countries led to a deepening of neoliberal discourses, which have prescribed individual solutions to the recession based on entrepreneurship and self-help. In this context, austerity and resilience have emerged as two key concepts prescribed to address and cope with the new context of precarity and inequality that followed the crisis. In this seminar, we will explore how these neoliberal imaginaries have developed and spread in three different national contexts: The UK, Ireland, and Spain.
This seminar is organized in the context of the research project 'Heroes of the crisis: narratives and social discourses in contemporary popular culture', funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (2015-2019). The main aim of this research project is to study how the economic crisis was portrayed in the media and the construction of austerity imaginaries in post-recession Spain.
9.00 - 9.10: Welcome
9.10 - 11.10: Guest speakers
Ireland Inc: The Corporatization of Affective Life in Post-Crash Ireland. Diane Negra (Professor of Film Studies and Screen Culture, University College Dublin)
From ‘tax avoiders’ to ‘hardworking taxpayers’: defining elites and ‘the people’ in the austerity conjuncture. Rebecca Bramall (Senior Lecturer in Media and Communications, London College of Communication)
11.10 - 11.30: Coffee Break 
11.30 - 13.30: The research project 'Heroes of the crisis: Narratives and social discourses in contemporary popular culture'
Austerity narratives in recessionary Spanish popular culture:
Lorena Gómez-Puertas (UPF) - TV series and reality TV
Antonio José Planells de la Maza (Tecnocampus Mataró) and Víctor Navarro-Remesal (CESAG) – Videogames
Cristina Sanchez-Sanchez (UPF) - Advertising
Audience responses to narratives of resilience and entrepreneurship in Spain. Mercè Oliva (UPF), Óliver Pérez-Latorre (UPF) and Reinald Besalú (UPF)



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