Vés enrere 5-7/07/22: Defenses dels TFM del Màster en Estudis Internacionals sobre Mitjans, Poder i Diversitat

5-7/07/22: Defenses dels TFM del Màster en Estudis Internacionals sobre Mitjans, Poder i Diversitat



  5 de juliol del 2021

 10.00 - 14.00h



Title of dissertation Supervisor Date Time Room
The media coverage of misogynistic incel mass violence in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom (2014-2021). A Critical Discourse Analysis Christopher Tulloch 5 July 10.00 52.421
The Hashtag Conflict: Social Media Players in the Israeli-Palestinian Crisis and the Battle for Public Opinion Christopher Tulloch 5 July 10.40 52.421
A tale of two countries:
The media representation of refugees from the wars in Syria and Ukraine
Christopher Tulloch 5 July 11.20 52.421
“I Was Born Wrong”: Sexualised Self-Presentation Of Teenage TikTok Influencers And Its Effects On Their Communities Carles Feixa 5 July 12.00 52.421
#MeToo: Intersectional Invisibility in Women's social movement Ábel Bereményi 5 July 12.40 52.421
Beautiful Suffering?
An Analysis On Young People’s Narratives Of Their Experiences With Mental Illness On TikTok
Mercè Oliva 5 July 9.20 52.423
When being pretty is a privilege:
The discourse of pretty privilege on Tik Tok and its connection with feminist debates
Mercè Oliva 5 July 10.00 52.423
You Taught Me a Secret Language I Will Speak With Everyone Else. Origins, tools and political significance of contemporary sapphic readings with the example of Taylor Swift fans Mercè Oliva 5 July 10.40 52.423
La Cultura del Empoderamiento Femenino en la Industria de la Moda: El Caso De Savage x Fenty Mercè Oliva 5 July 11.20 52.423
Infected Narrations:
How the Narration of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Scripted Series Facilitates the Increase of Polarization in the US.
Mercè Oliva 5 July 12.00 52.423
The ¨Media-Incarceration Complex¨: An Examination of the Relationship between Big
Business and the Media Industry's Impact on Public Abolitionist Thinking
Manel Jiménez 5 July 12.40 52.423
The outsider's gaze in documentary.
Is a decolonial approach to 'Otherness' a possibility?
Manel Jiménez 5 July 13.20 52.423


  6 de juliol del 2021

 10.00 - 14.00h



Title of dissertation Supervisor Date Time Room
Moving on from Queer Stereotypes and Post-Gay Ideals in Audiovisual Fiction: LGBTQ+ Representation in Netflix’s Heartstopper Pilar Medina 6 July 9.20 52.421
Empowering Romantic Love through Female Objectification: Patriarchal Traps in the Film '365 Days' Pilar Medina 6 July 10.00 52.421
‘The Sex Lives of College Girls’. A case study about sexual consent communication in teen shows Pilar Medina 6 July 10.40 52.421
The Ethics of Nudity in Sex Education Media Pilar Medina 6 July 11.20 52.421
Online press coverage of violence against female athletes :
An analysis of episodic and thematic framing in the United States of America
Pilar Medina 6 July 12.00 52.421
Descolonizando el futuro: Cine distópico y mujeres fuera de marcos teóricos.
Por un nuevo mundo más allá del colapso.
Pilar Medina 6 July 12.40 52.421
Trans* subjectivity in practice?: A qualitative content analysis of the media representation of trans* children and adolescents Mònika Jiménez 6 July 13.20 52.421
Violencia estructural en el uso cotidiano de las redes sociales: tolerancia neoliberal, populismo y discursos de odio Frederic Guerrero 6 July 9.20 52.423
Trans-exclusionary Feminism on Twitter: a feminist CDA on arguments used for denying identity to trans women in Spain Frederic Guerrero 6 July 10.00 52.423
Defund, Reform, Abolish: An analysis of the media coverage of the police and prison abolition movement in the United States Carles Roca 6 July 10.40 52.423
Representing Striketober:
Framing the Media’s Newfound Love for Labor
Carles Roca 6 July 11.20 52.423
Social media as a safe space for queer latinx youth Carles Roca 6 July 12.00 52.423
Symbolic and Hegemonic Power in academic language Carles Roca 6 July 12.40 52.423
A Critical Approach to the Ethics of Nudging Carles Roca 6 July 13.20 52.423
The PhD Proposal on the Effect of Social Media on Mental Health among  Teenagers Carles Roca 6 July 14.00 52.423


  7 de juliol del 2021

 10.00 - 14.00h




Title of dissertation Supervisor Date Time Room
Reporting The 'Most Wanted' of Animal Kingdom: News Coverage of Invasive Species in The New York Times Núria Almiron 7 July 9.20 52.421
Feeding the world through eating the world – A critical discourse analysis on FAO's promotion of aquaculture Núria Almiron 7 July 10.00 52.421
Powers intertwined? Agribusiness, the mainstream media, and the political scenario before the 2022 presidential elections in Brazil. Núria Almiron 7 July 10.40 52.421
“Els Porcs fan Salsitxes”. Estudi qualitatiu de la producció i recepció de notícies sobre escorxadors als mitjans de comunicació catalans. Núria Almiron 7 July 11.20 52.421
There’s More Than One Way to Peel a Potato: How speciesism is reinforced in plant-based meat alternative marketing through the ‘overt referent’ Núria Almiron 7 July 12.00 52.421
“Tenga cuidado que un gaucho no la vaya a jinetear”: Un análisis crítico del discurso sobre el especismo en Uruguay Núria Almiron 7 July 12.40 52.421
The Velocity of Compassion: Civil conversations and social healing through journalism Núria Almiron 7 July 13.20 52.421
Podcasting Police Violence
Comparing traditional and alternative news-podcast's discourses on covering police violence cases in France
Ruth Rodríguez 7 July 11.20 52.423
Reversing the male gaze: Pedro Almodóvar’s cinema of women Ruth Rodríguez 7 July 12.00 52.423
Cancel Culture in the Newsroom: An analysis of the coverage Ruth Rodríguez 7 July 12.40 52.423
La discapacitat a través de TikTok: una anàlisi de contingut dels vídeos publicats per persones amb discapacitat Isabel Villegas 7 July 13.20 52.423




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