Book presentation - Terrassa Vegan Fest Sept 2024

"Especismo y Lenguaje" Book presentation - Vegan Fest Terrassa

Especismo y Lenguaje (Plaza y Valdés, 2024) is the new book coordinated within the COMPASS project by Catia Faria and Núria Almiron


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Júlia Castellano, member of the UPF-Center for Animal Ethics, and Olatz Aranceta-Reboredo, member of the COMPASS research team and the UPF-Centre for Animal Ethics, presented Especismo y Lenguaje at the Vegan Fest (Terrassa), Europe's largest open-air vegan festival, held on September 14th and 15thEspecismo y Lenguaje (Plaza y Valdés, 2024) is the new book coordinated within the COMPASS project by Catia Faria and Núria Almiron.

The volume analyses the uses and reasons for speciesist language in the Spanish language from an ideological, cultural and economic point of view - taking into account the main industries involved in the animal industrial complex and their influence.

The book presentation included an overview of the main sections and a more in-depth explanation of the chapters that Júlia and Olatz contributed to the volume. At the end of the event, there was a table where copies could be bought, and the authors signed the book.