Chapters: Lund University

Chapters by Núria Almiron and Laura Fernández in Reimagining Species Relations




Carreras, María R. & Fernández, Laura. 2024. Critical Animal Media Studies: Challenging the Hegemonic Representations of Oppressed Groups through Communication Research. In Reimagining Species Relations: A Decade of Studying and Teaching Critical Animal Studies at Lund University, edited by Maria R. Carreras,  Marie Leth-Espensen, Lena Lindström, Tobias Linné, Gina Song Lopez, and  Naja Yndal-Olsen, pp. 19-32. Lund: Lund University.

Almiron, Núria. 2024. On Vivisection, Interest Groups and Influence. In Reimagining Species Relations: A Decade of Studying and Teaching Critical Animal Studies at Lund University, edited by Maria R. Carreras,  Marie Leth-Espensen, Lena Lindström, Tobias Linné, Gina Song Lopez, and  Naja Yndal-Olsen, pp. 189-204. Lund: Lund University.

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