Digital twins for model-driven non-invasive electrical brain stimulation (NEUROTWIN)
Digital twins for model-driven non-invasive electrical brain stimulation (NEUROTWIN)
Digital twins for model-driven non-invasive electrical brain stimulation (NEUROTWIN)
The overall goal is to develop advanced individualized whole-brain models that predict the physiological effects of transcranial electromagnetic stimulation at the individual level and use them to characterize pathology, design, and test optimal brain stimulation protocols in Alzheimer Disease
Funding body: H2020 EUROPEAN COMMISSION Future and Emerging Technologies (FET)
Program: H2020-FETPROACT-2018-2020 / H2020-FETPROACT-2020-2
Funding amount: 341.150€
Dates: 1 Jan, 2021 - 31 Dec, 2024
Funding body: H2020 EUROPEAN COMMISSION Future and Emerging Technologies (FET)
Funding amount: 341.150€