Back Living Lab Day Autism

Living Lab Day Autism

Prof. Narcis Pares will participate this next Tuesday May 3rd, 2022 in the panel titled "Technologies and Autism Spectrum Condition" where he will present FuBIntLab's work in Mixed Reality and ASC as well as contribute to the panel's discussion.

Imatge inicial - Prof. Parés participates in panel on ICT and Autism

The Cluster on Mental Health of Catalonia organises its Living Lab Day focused on Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) on May 3rd, 2022. Prof. Pares has been invited to the third panel of the event that has the title "Technologies and ASC". The panel will discuss issues such as:

  • What aspects of ASC can be benefitted through digital technologies?
  • What are the advantages of such technologies?
  • What are the risks and dangers that we can find?
  • Should technologies play a more relevant role in the future?

Prof. Pares will introduce his research done in the past 20 years in ASC and ICT, especially focussing on recent projects such as Lands of Fog and PROSOCIAL, as well as participate to the discussion of the panel.