Back EMIL (European Media and Immersion Laboratory) starts - HORIZON-CL4-2021-HUMAN-01-06

EMIL (European Media and Immersion Laboratory) starts - HORIZON-CL4-2021-HUMAN-01-06

We are proud to announce that the FuBIntLab is one of the four nodes of EMIL, which has started this September 1st, 2022



EMIL is a pan-European XR Lab network composed of four major European academic institutions, with a mission to accelerate development of virtual, augmented and mixed reality technologies, content, services and applications. EMIL, the European Media and Immersion Lab, is an Innovation Action co-funded by the European Union and Innovate UK. It is funded under Call “HORIZON-CL4-2021-HUMAN-01-06: Innovation for Media, including eXtended Reality – Part ii”. EMIL is a consortium of four partners. It is coordinated by Aalto University in Finland and includes Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg in Germany, Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Spain (specifically the FuBIntLab), and University of Bath in the United Kingdom.

EMIL will launch and coordinate financial support to third parties (FSTP) through two calls – providing total funding to XR projects of 5.6M EUROS. EMIL will also support the funded projects through the four partners’ research excellence, technological and creative expertise and their wide contact networks.

Moreover, each of EMIL’s four partner institutions will demonstrate latest scientific research knowledge through exemplary Lighthouse Projects exhibiting excellence in the partner’s areas of expertise: Narrative Media Production, Smart Garments, Animation, VFX, Embodied Interaction, Digital Cultural Heritage, Digital Health, Motion Capture/Analysis and technological XR development.



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