Training on Ethics and Personal Data Protection in Research
Training on Ethics and Personal Data Protection in Research
Description: CIREP-UPF organises a two-day training on Ethics and Personal Data Protection in Research. The aim of this activity is to provide the research community with both theoretical and practical training on the ethical and the personal data protection aspects that researchers usually have to face during the preparation and the execution of their research projects.
The training is adressed to researchers of the following areas: Humanities and Social Sciences, Information and Communication Technologies and Health and Experimental Sciences.
The training on Ethics and Personal Data Protection in Research is divided into two parts. On the first day, a plenary session will take place with the participation of three international experts, from the ERCEA -European Research Council Executive Agency-, from the University of Toronto and from UPF itself. The presentations will be broadcast in streaming on our web for the people interested that cannot attend the training. This plenary session as well as an advisory session by the ERCEA member in the second day welcomes UPF researchers and staff and also members from other institutions.
On the second day, researchers will have the opportunity to participate in an extensive practical workshop run by the University of Toronto expert (this activity is restricted to UPF researchers, and there is a limit of attendees). Simultaneously, researchers from UPF and other institutions will have the possibility to participate in an advisory session, led by CIREP - including the UPF Personal Data Officer- and the ERCEA member, depending on their interest. These sessions will consist of individual/groupal meetings where participants will have the opportunity to ask about their main concerns on ethics and personal data protection to CIREP members and to the ERCEA ethics advisor. The sessions will be distributed during the morning, and will last up to 30 minutes each one, depending on the number of attendees. Registration for both the workshop and the advisory session is needed.
For more information please have a look to the training programme below.
➡ Download the Training Agenda
➡ If you want to attend the plenary session please send an email to [email protected] .
Workshop and the advisory sessions' registration is closed.
When: 18-19/06/19
Where: Ciutadella Campus - Universitat Pompeu Fabra
18/06/19 Plenary - Auditorium Mercè Rodoreda (23.S05).
19/06/19 Advisory sessions - Sala Polivalent (24.S18) · Mercè Rodoreda building
19/06/19 Workshop on avoiding and mitigating ethical traps in technocentric fieldwork - room 24.021 · Mercè Rodoreda building
(00 34) 93 542 21 40