Vés enrere 1st International Workshop on Energy Efficient Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery

1st International Workshop on Energy Efficient Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery



Co-located with ECML PKDD 2018 
September 14, 2018 - Dublin, Ireland

This workshop aims to bring together people from many different fields in machine learning and data mining that have a common interest in energy efficiency, energy aware computing, hardware accelerators, and embedded systems.

These fields include, but are not limited to: deep learning, big data, Internet of Things (IoT), large-scale computing, stream mining, and distributed machine learning.

The goal is to provide a venue for researchers to present their work, exchange ideas, and discuss challenges related to energy-efficiency in machine learning, data mining, and supporting hardware platforms, and algorithms. We accept original work, already completed, or in progress. Position papers are also considered. 

[More Info]



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