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Visiting scholar: Dr. Alvaro Mailhos joins us to collaborate with Dr. Rodero


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The first term of the 2022-23 course starts with new visitors to the CAS research group. As we presented recently, Ph.D. candidate Lino Antonio Mercado León will join the CAS group for three months as Dr. Alvaro Mailhos will do from the hand of Dr. Emma Rodero.

Mailhos is an Adjunct Professor at the School of Psychology, Universidad de la República, Uruguay. He holds PhDs in Molecular Biology (PEDECIBA, Uruguay) and Behavioral and Social Sciences (Groningen University, Netherlands). He is interested in the phylogenetic foundations of human behavior, both in the cognitive and social domains.

He will take a sabbatical to stay at the Communication Department, where he will collaborate with Professor Dr. Emma Rodero.

Currently, Dr. Mailhos is interested in the role of paralinguistic features of the human voice in communicating different biological attributes and social hierarchies. During his stay at UPF, he will study the part of paralinguistic features of the human voice in different social contexts.



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