Back UPF-CAE Members at The Factual Animal Conference

UPF-CAE Members at The Factual Animal Conference



From 29 November to 1 December, 2023, the CIGE research project at the Universitat de València will host "The Factual Animal: Audiovisual Representation of Real Animals Other-than-Human" conference.

Several UPF-CAE members will participate:

  • Paula Casal will be one of the keynote speakers
  • Olatz Aranceta-Reboredo will present “Beyond the Spectacle: Exploring Audiovisual Representations of Other-than-Human Animals in the Lobbying of the Animal-Based Entertainment Industry”
  • Laura Fernández and Núria Almiron (with Miquel Rodrigo) will present “Happy smiles, animal heroes and scientific footprints: Spanish Industry’s visual depiction of nonhuman animals used for experimentation”

This conference is organized by the research group CULIVIAN (“Culturas Literarias y Visuales del Animal” / “Animals in Literary and Visual Cultures”) as part of the CIGE/2021/100 research project, funded by the Conselleria d’Innovació, Universitats i Societat Digital, and is additionally sponsored by the Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya at the Universitat de València, and the Friends of Thoreau Program at the Instituto Franklin (Universidad de Alcalá).



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