PhD thesis
Computation anatomy as driver for understanding structural and functional cardiac remodelling
Gabriel Bernardino
Date: 16/12/2019
Deep learning-based segmentation methods for computed-assisted fetal surgery
Jordina Torrents
Date: 09/12/2019
Computational model of the heart for planing and tratment of outflow tract ventricular arrythmias
Ruben Doste
Date: 18/11/2019
Towards the improvement of decision tree learning: a perspective on search and evaluation
Cecilia Nunes
Date: 25/10/2019
From pixels to particles: multi-physics meshless model of the heart
Èric Lluch Álvarez
Date: 21/10/2019
Electroporation and peripheral nerve simulation
Borja Mercadal
Date: 16/12/2019
Quantification of the influence of detailed endocardial structures on human cardiac haemodynamics and electrophyliology using HPC
Federica Sacco
Date: 07/10/2019
Learning mechanisms of uncertainty and neuromodulation
Jordi Ysard Puigbó
Date: 01/10/2019
3D subject-specific shape and density modeling of the lumbar spine from 2D DXA images for osteoporosis assessment
Mirella López Picazo
Date: 19/03/2019
3D reconstrucition for plastic surgery simulation based on statistical shape models
Guillermo Ruiz Fernandez
Date: 12/12/2018
Left atrial parameterisation and multi-modal data analysis: application to atrial fibrillation
Marta Nuñez
Multi-feature machine learning analysis for an improved characterization of the cardiac mechanics
Sergio Sanchez
Date: 21/09/2018
Multi-atlas Segmentation and Analysis of the Fetal Brain in Ventriculomegaly
Mohamed Oualid Benkarim
Date: 14/09/2018
Cochlear implantation modeling and functional evaluation considering uncertainty and parameter variability
Nerea Mangado
Date: 16/11/2017
Data-driven analysis of interactions between pairs and ensembles of coupled dynamics
Petroula Laiou
Date: 05/10/2017
Treatment planning methods for clinical electroporation
Radwab Qasrawi
Date: 22/09/2017
Non-focal non-thermal electrical methods for cancer treatment
Quim Castellví
Date: 18/09/2017
Image based analysis and modeling of the detailed cardiac ventricular anatomy
Bruno Paun
Date: 24/07/2017
Automated cardiac MR image analysis for population imaging
Xenia Alba
Date: 21/04/2017
Image similarity for registration and manifold learning: application to brain analysis
Veronika A. Zimmer
Date: 13/02/2017
Finite element simulation of the healthy and degenerated lumbar spine – Interplay between muscle activity and intervertebral disc multiphysics
Themis Toumanidou
Microcontrolled injectable stimulators based on electronic rectification of high frequency current bursts
Laura Becerra
Date: 17/10/2016
Development and evaluation of mapping strategies for the integration and joint analysis of multimodal data of the heart
David Soto Iglesias
Date: 13/09/2016
Characterization and modeling of the Purkinje system for biophysical simulations
Daniel Romero García
Date: 28/01/2016
A computational study of intervertrebal disc degeneration in relation to changes in regional tissue composition and disc nutrition
Carlos Eduardo Ruiz Willis
Date: 17/07/2015
Multiscale cardiovascular analysis and simulations for the understanding of intra-uterine cardiovascular remodeling
Patricia García Cañadilla
Multi-cue image integration for cardiac tissue characterization
Antonio R.Porras
Analysis of the haemodynamic and biomechanical properties of the lumina in aortic dissections using an integrated approach focusing on the complementary value of in-silico, in-vitro and in-vivo assessments.
Paula Rudenick
Date: 27/06/2014
Multiscale characterization of cardiac remodeling induced by intrauterine growth restriction at organ, cellular and subcellular level
Ana Gonzalez- Tendero
Date: 26/06/2014