European Union Society event - European Terrassa: Economy and Diplomacy
European Union Society event - European Terrassa: Economy and Diplomacy
On 7 June at 18:00 at the Mercè Rodoreda Auditorium on the Ciutadella Campus (UPF), will take place the event ‘European Terrassa: Economy and Diplomacy’. It is organised by the European Union Society and JEF Catalunya and will focus on the European elections, the future of the European Union, trade policy and free trade agreements. It will also discuss internal and external competitiveness, economic diplomacy, and the role of the EU in international conflicts and multilateral forums.
The invited guests are:
- Arancha González Laya: exminister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation and dean of PSIA (SciencesPo).
- Jordi Xuclà i Costa: former Member of Parliament and President of the Catalan Council of the European Movement.