Back Do you want to work for the European Union? - Conference-colloquium on employment opportunities in the EU

Do you want to work for the European Union? - Conference-colloquium on employment opportunities in the EU


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On 18 November 2024 (17:00 h.) will take place the conference-colloquium on employment opportunities in the EU ‘Do you want to work for the European Union?’, organised by the Centre for European Studies of Barcelona. We will have the pleasure of having Mel Ravelo (Advisor to the European Parliament) and Josep Monrabà (EU Policy Consultant) as speakers and Joan Miró as chairperson.

If you want to follow the conference online, here is the link to the Zoom meeting.

Mel Ravelo Cordoves. Havana City, 1994, Parliamentary advisor specialising in foreign affairs and human rights. Graduate in Political and Administrative Sciences from the University of Girona, with a Master's degree in International Relations, Security and Development (specialising in EU External Action) from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He has accumulated experience in institutions such as the European Parliament, the Council of the EU and the Permanent Representation of Spain to the EU, starting as a Schuman scholar at the European Parliament in the Directorate-General for External Policies, specifically in the Latin America area. Subsequently, he worked for the President of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) of the European Parliament. Currently, since 2020, he has been working as a parliamentary advisor to the European Parliament in Brussels, where he advises an MEP in the areas of foreign policy, international cooperation and human rights.

Josep Monrabà. Sabadell, 1991. Lawyer specialised in EU law. Graduate in Law and Master in International Law and Access to Law from ESADE - Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona, with exchanges in Washington and Maastricht. Afterwards, she worked for two years in the Public Law Department of Garrigues. In 2016-17, she studied for a Master's degree in European Political and Administrative Studies at the College of Europe (Bruges, Belgium). She then joined the Legal Service of the European Parliament for a few months. Since 2018 he has been part of the team at Alonso & Associates in Brussels, where he is director of European affairs. He is in charge of sectors such as mobility, food and building materials. In 2021, he founded his own consultancy firm, Eurocat Advisors.