Café Europa - Cities: institution or lobby in the European Union?
Café Europa - Cities: institution or lobby in the European Union?
The Cafè Europa of March, with the collaboration of the PEMB and its director, Oriol Estela, explored the role and influence of cities in the European Union under the title "Cities: institution or lobby in the European Union?
During the session, it has been highlighted how cities can influence European policies, considering the European origin of many of them. However, the lack of a clear political space for the active participation of cities in the European construction has been pointed out in different occasions.
The experts, Marta Galceran of CIDOB and Jordi Harrison of the European Committee of the Regions, stressed the importance of recognising cities in the design of European policies and legislation, including issues such as financing and channels of communication. The heterogeneity of the Committee of the Regions, with large and small municipalities as well as regions, and its capacity to influence through various European bodies was highlighted.
In conclusion, we need to strengthen the participation of cities in European political decisions, with a more decisive role for the European Committee of the Regions in coordination with city networks, such as Eurocities, which ensure that cities have influence both at the European level and in their member states to exert an effective impact in Europe.
Likewise, we invite you to the next session of the Cafè Europa, which will take place on April 26 at 9 am through Zoom and is entitled "Labor Rights: What is at stake in the next European elections?" coinciding with the First of May.