Cafè Europa - The European Fiscal Union: utopia or reality?
Cafè Europa - The European Fiscal Union: utopia or reality?
The European Union is a political, social and economic project. In this last aspect, we have been seeing very timid steps towards the fiscal union for years. The Belgian Presidency of the Council, from the 1st of January until the 30th of June, has among its priorities the improvement of the economic competitiveness of the European Union.
In this sense we ask ourselves: could fiscal union help us in this area? Is it really possible to create a fiscal union that includes all the countries of the Union? Or is it simply a utopia that is not materially possible? What role does the attempt to enlarge the Union play?
- Carlos Martínez Montgay, former Director of the Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs of the European Commission.
- Josep Oliver Alonso, Emeritus Professor of Applied Economics at the UAB.