Back 7th Workshop for Secondary School Teachers

7th Workshop for Secondary School Teachers


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On July 11th 2024 will take place the 7th editon of the workshop for secondary school teachers organized by the Jean Monnet Chair in EU Governance (UPF): "Present and Future of European Integration after the Elections to the European Parliament". It is a free workshop and you can get an attendance certificate. This year the event will be held in an online format (Zoom) and once you fulfil the registration form we will send you the session link):

- Registration form:

- Registration deadline: July 5th 2024

Once again, we will have Dr. Andrea Noferini (CEI, International Affairs and UPF) and Ms. Concepció Muñoz (documentalist of the European Documentation Center of the Autonomous University of Barcelona) as speakers.

Objectives and methodology
Given the existence of two dramatic conflicts (Russia-Ukraine and Hamas-Israel), persistent environmental and social crises and the resurgence of extreme right-wing ideologies, the European elections of June 2024 are of particular importance for the European Union. 

Based on the results of the elections to the European Parliament from 6 to 9 June 2024, this year's workshop aims to reflect and discuss the present and future of the European integration process. What could a European Parliament with a greater weight of Eurosceptic political groups mean? What would be the future of the ambitious Green European Pact? What could the enlargement process towards Ukraine mean?

The workshop will provide examples, narratives and pedagogical materials that will serve to bring knowledge about the EU closer by analysing the election results and their consequences on the political balance between the main European institutions. 

With regard to the specific objectives, the proposal is to:

  • To critically analyse the electoral results in reference to the political groups that gain (or lose) weight in the European Parliament.
  • Analyse the consequences of the European elections on the renewal of the European Commission and the European Council.
  • Anticipate and evaluate possible future scenarios for the role of the EU in the world and in the Member States. 
  • To provide useful didactic and pedagogical tools for the introduction of the EU in schools.
  • Provide simplified case studies.

10.00-10.15 - Introduction of the participants and formulation of the first questions, needs and interests about the EU in the teaching activity.
10.15-11.15 - Presentation of the results and analysis of the winners and losers of the elections.
11.15-11.30 - Break 
11.30-12.15 - Bibliographical materials and tools for learning about the EU (Concepció Muñoz).
12.15-13.00 - Question time, collaborative methodology and end of the workshop.


The format of the workshop will be online. Once registration has been completed, the link to the online session will be sent.