7th Workshop for Secondary School Teachers
7th Workshop for Secondary School Teachers
On September 26th 2024 will take place the 7th editon of the workshop for secondary school teachers organized by the Jean Monnet Chair in EU Governance (UPF): "Europe facing today's challenges. Ways to communicate the European Union to young people". It is a free workshop and you can get an attendance certificate. This year the event will be held in a hybrid format (Online and Onsite). Once you fulfil the registration form we will send you the session link:
- Registration form: https://forms.gle/Bsn1iVd2AXiiKZpe6
- Registration deadline: September 20th 2024
- Hybrid format: Online (Zoom) and Onsite (Room 24.S01 of the Mercè Rodoreda Building (Ciutadella Campus, UPF)
Once again, we will have Dr. Andrea Noferini (CEI, International Affairs and UPF) and Ms. Concepció Muñoz (documentalist of the European Documentation Center of the Autonomous University of Barcelona) as speakers.
Introduction to the workshop
A recent EU survey showed that young people are active and committed to issues related to human rights (34%), climate change and the environment (33%), health and well-being (29%) and equal rights, regardless of gender, race or sexual orientation (29%).
Europe and the European Union represent a privileged setting for bringing young people to an understanding of the social and political challenges facing our societies. The comparative perspective, between partner and friendly countries (the Member States) and the international perspective, makes it easier to show how these challenges (sustainability, human rights, poverty and inequalities, to name but a few) are, in reality, shared challenges; and, above all, challenges that require joint decisions on a European and global scale.
By using the learning based methodology, this workshop provides some analytical tools to introduce the European Union and the main contemporary challenges in secondary school classrooms. The workshop presents didactic methodologies that, based on the definition of real problems, aim to stimulate active learning and student participation.
Objectives of the workshop
The workshop offers examples, narratives and pedagogical materials that will serve to bring knowledge about the EU closer. With regard to the specific objectives, the proposal is to:
- Offer methodological keys to introduce Europe and the European Union.
- Explain the basic fundamentals of problem-based methodology as a tool for active student learning.
- To share educational practices on the EU with different groups of students.
- To disseminate useful didactic and pedagogical tools for the introduction of the EU in schools.
- Provide simplified case studies.
17.30-17.45 Introduction of the participants and formulation of the first questions, needs and interests about the EU in the teaching activity.
17.45-18.30 Examples of problem-based methodology applied to the study of the European Union (Andrea Noferini)
18.30-18.45 Break
18.45-19.15 Bibliographical materials and tools for learning about the EU (Concepció Muñoz).
19.15-19.30 Question time and end of the workshop.
The workshop will be held in hybrid format, i.e. online (Zoom) and in person at the Room 24.S01 of the Mercè Rodoreda Building (Ciutadella Campus, UPF). Once registration has been completed, the link to the online session will be sent.