Electoral debate 28M: Barcelona European Capital
On Wednesday 10th at Torre Jussana, the European Union Society (UPF) and JEF Catalunya (Joventut Europea Federalista de Catalunya) held a debate on the Barcelona municipal elections of May 28th.
The European Union Society and JEF Catalunya, with the support of the Barcelona Center for European Studies, the Jean Monnet Chair in European Union Governance, Espai Torre Jussana and Col·legi de professionals de la Ciència Política i Sociologia de Catalunya (COLPIS), held the first youth debate on the Barcelona municipal elections of May 28th. The young candidates from the different political parties that participated in the debate were: Julià Tudó (Joves Barcelona en Comú), Jan Sibina (Joventuts d'Esquerra Republicana), Laura Millán (Joventut Socialista de Barcelona), Arnau Vives (Joventut Nacionalista de Catalunya a Barcelona), Jessica Pauchet (Jóvenes Ciudadanos Barcelona), Marta Urgellés (Nuevas Generaciones Barcelona) and Yeray Mellado (Valents).
We would like to thank Xavier Lamarca (President of the European Union Society) for the excellent organization of the event and to keep our commitment on supporting the activities of the EUS.