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Master’s Programs Providing Research Opportunities

The AI/ML Research Group provides unique academic opportunities to pursue a research career in both academia and industry. We coordinate two master’s programs: the Master in Intelligent and Interactive Systems and the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Artificial Intelligence. Learn more about application periods here.



  • The Master in Intelligent and Interactive Systems (MIIS) (60 ECTS): The MIIS is a research-oriented Master of Science programme where students further develop their technical and interdisciplinary competencies in the area of artificial intelligence and machine learning building on a preceding computer science bachelor's programme. The program qualifies graduates for research and development work in basic research or in industry.
  • The Erasmus Mundus joint master in Artificial Intelligence (EMAI) (120 ECTS): The EMAI is a two-year Masters programme offered by four higher education institutions. EMAI students may choose among all consortium member universities and specialise in one of the four offered strands (Intelligent Decision Making in Spain, Robotics in Italy, Cybersecurity in the Netherlands, and Data Science in Slovenia).



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