Vés enrere Escola Drassanes

DTIC-UPF and Escola Drassanes cooperate in order to promote the exposure of the students to science and technology, in the context of the project launched by the Association of Parents of the school.

The initiative has allowed to start wider activities at the Department, and expand the direct actions under the María de Maeztu project to new centers as detailed below


Escola Drassanes:

  • Start of the project RAVALSTEAM, funded by th Barcelona City Council through its Pla de Barris Raval Sud / Gòtic Sud, to work with Escola Drassanes and Institut Milà i Fontanals
  • 3D printing: a series of activities to promote the knowledge of 3D printing technologies (25th April 2018, first 3D printing workshop by the QUAES-UPF Chair, and sessions with Biomedical Engineering Students about the use of 3D printing in hospitals)
  • The parents' association obtains the mSchools award for most innovative schools in the promotion of science and technology with "DrassanesLab" project
  • Project "Inclusive excellence at Drassanes School" obtains the award for best project in Social Responsibility by the UPF Social Council
  • "Interactive lunchtime" - weekly workshops on interactive technologies at the school, by Marie Monique Schaper and Laura Malinverni. Program:
    • Term1 (Marie Monique Schaper): The goal of the course was to introduce the students to basic concepts of design and development of interactive technologies based on Full-Body Interaction. Therefore, we conducted first several sessions to stimulate students’ sensations related to body and space awareness. We particularly focused on elicitation techniques that would help the children to better understand the notion of collaboration and to generate interaction ideas in relation to this concept. In the second part of the course, we introduced the children to different tools of maker technologies (Makey Makey, Scratch, conductive paint, etc.). After that, the students worked in small groups on an own project addressing the different learning contents during the course.
      • Session 1: Introduction/ Pre-Assessment: Video examples of FUBILEs + one live demo with Makey Makey; Read Story Carrera de zapatillas (focus is friendship and being different); Brainstorming based on drawing activity for ideas for FUBILE
      • Session 2: Deepen values around friendship and being different. Introduction to design thinking and game concept
      • Session 3: Evaluation of Body Awareness (Pre-Test). Introduction to Scratch
      • Session 4: Body-Awareness Exercise Collaboration. Exercise Scratch and Makey Makey
      • Session 5: Body-Awareness Exercise to idea of FUBI experience
      • Session 6: Define ideas for FUBI Experience
      • Session 7 to 11: Design of Full-Body Interaction Experience in groups
  • Interactive visit to Refugi307, by Marie Monique Schaper (pictures)
  • Science week 2017: UPF tour by the courses 4th to 6th, including workshops on 3D printing (Laura Malinverni), robotics (Jonathan Ferrer), conducive ink (Marie Monique Schaper) and videogame design (Ciera Crowell)
  • We took part in their Science Week 2016 - Setmana de la Ciència a l'Escola Drassanes

  • MOVENT­-SE PEL PASSAT – Workshops where kids (between 10-13 years) get involved in the design of technologies created “for them and by them”. The workshop is designed in cooperation with Refugi307 and led by Marie Monique Schaper, researcher of the Full-Body Interaction Lab at DTIC. It includes sessions during the lunch break around the evaluation and design of games, scratch and a visit to Refugi307 using the interactive material created by the students.
  • SONORITZACIÓ VIDEO - Sound art workshop. Experimentation and creation around sounds using Foley with Phonos Foundation, to create the soundtrack of the film recorded by last-year students as part of the audiovisual project of the school. The school explain it in their blog.

Thanks to the establishment of this cooperation, the school is generating more links with other departments at the university. For instance, the school will collaborate with the project "Mi cuerpo me gusta" (I like my body) from the Department of Communication, targetting the education to students and the families around the messages received by kids about their body, especially from advertising.

Spin outs of this project:


In the context of this cooperation, we have initiated collaborations also with Institut Milà i Fontanals, one of the high schools linked to the school.

  • 18th April 2018. Medical technologies in developing countries. Amelia Jiménez, in the context of the program with Barcelona Activa to promote scientific vocations
  • 23rd January 2018. 3D printing and cardiology. (Aletes de pollastre, coliflors, cactus i anemoscopis en cardiologia. Óscar Camara, Andy Olivares, Marta Núñez - L'activitat consisteix en conèixer una de les estructures més fascinants del sistema cardiovascular, l'orelleta esquerra. Per familiaritzar-se amb aquesta estructura, es presentaran diversos models impresos en 3D, on els participants al taller hauran de classificar la seva forma segons quatre categories diferents, que seran presentades prèviament. A més a més s'estudiaran aquestes geometries amb els ordinadors mitjançant programaris d'accés lliure per a la visualització de models 3D. Així mateix s'explicarà el rol de l'orelleta a la formació de trombes què poden degenerar en ictus)
  • 18th November 2018. Ethics and robotics. Vladimir Estivill.

Following the collaboration with Barcelona Activa, the Department has started a program to promote STEAM at high schools (details) and promoted actions at companies such as Oracle (see Oracle4Girls here) or Zurich Insurance (Robotics DIY Workshop on April 21st 2018 held at Via Augusta 200) so that the promotion of interest in STEAM widespreads in society.