Vés enrere Public engagement activities in early 2020

During January 2020, we have arranged (some of them take place after this month) public engagement activities that involve the participation of over 1.500 people, most of them students in primary and secondary schools.



  • In the context of the project Makers a les aules, we are conducting research and training activities (for kids and teachers) with the following schools:
  • Escola Barcelona
  • Escola Baró de Viver
  • Escola Castella
  • Escola Drassanes
  • Escola Heura
  • Escola L'Arenal de Llevant
  • Escola Mestre Enric Gibert i Camins
  • Escola Orlandai
  • Escola Splai
  • Escola El Sagrer (training to teachers)

The project is complemented with a free online course on “Introduction to maker methodologies” and the ILDE platform where teachers share their designs


  • In the context of the Project RAVALSTEAM, we continue the cooperation with the
    • Institut Milà i Fontanals (Digital Magazine and 3D printing, where students are designing toys for the students at Escola Castella, Escola Drassanes and Escola Ferran Sunyer, in addition to talks carried out during the science week in 2019)
    • Escola Drassanes, developing the methodology for their project "FemCiència" (We do science), in which all courses from P5 to 6th (5 to 12 years) are involved, as well as workshops on RoboEthics (in cooperation with University of Barcelona) with the students in their 6th level.


  • As part of her Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant COLONINFO and in the context of the 11th February celebrations, visit to Escola Grevol by Judit Chamorro (3-4 ESO and 1-2 Batx) for a talk about Female Scientists and an explanation of her current work



  • In the context of the Project Bretxes Digitals (Digital Gaps)
    • Escola Anglesola (in cooperation with eXplorium), introducing STEAM activities to P3 to P5 (3 to 5 years old) and their families
    • Families from Escola Castella and Escola Drassanes prototype an APP for #RavalKm0, in cooperation with Fundació Tot Raval and CCCB
    • Makers en Familia” at the American Space, Ignasi Iglesias – Can Fabra Library
    • “Creativity, Robotics and future” for students and families from the Institut Milà i Fontanals and Escola Ferran Sunyer (in cooperation with CosiCosa)
    • Parent-Teacher associations: working to set-up “Makers clubs” at Escola Sant Martí (in cooperation with CosiCosa) and Escola Ferran Sunyer (in cooperation with eXplorium)
    • On 24/02 we will have our first DTIC Kids day! STEAM activities for the families in the DTIC community







  • Art Sonor?, exhibition at Fundació Miró, with the collaboration of Phonos




MEDIA (selected)

  • Hatsune Miku's visit to Barcelona created a lot of attention around Vocaloid, with several media appearances by Xavier Serra (Music Technology Group) in programs such as "La Ventana, Cadena SER






Citizen science projects


A selection of upcoming activities includes:

  • The TIDE research group will be at YoMo (Youth Mobile Festival, February) with activities linked to TROMPA project
  • Narcís Parés will participate in the Mobile Week in Girona (details), where he will present Lands of Fog as an ICT "solution" to help children with autism to socialize
  • Lands of Frog will be also at the CCCB panel on serious games organised in the context of the Gameplay exhibition on March 18th 2020.
  • Open Tutorial “Generative models of online discussion threads” by the AI and ML group
  • Music Technology Workshop to students from Liceu Francès (March)
  • COURAGE workshops at high schools, on “Artificial Intelligence: Which are the pros and cons of likes in social media?” (starting in March)
  • pIAno expression at Àrea Tallers, UPF (details). AI and creativity, in the context of TELMI (Technology Enhanced Learning of Musical Instrumento Performance).
  • Award ceremony of Wisibilízalas (April)
  • Sonar ID Challenge (June), led by the Music Technology Group
  • Artist in residence with the MindSpaces project, with the the involvement of the research group on Natural Language Processing.