Atrás 21-22/04/2022 | Searching for a new Arcadia: Colonialism and Utopias in the Global Pacific (19th-early 20th c.)

21-22/04/2022 | Searching for a new Arcadia: Colonialism and Utopias in the Global Pacific (19th-early 20th c.)

Organizer: Pol Dalmau (UPF)
21-22 April 2022, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona
Venue: Auditori Mercè Rodoreda, Ciutadella Campus, UPF





Thursday, 21 April

15:00 – 15:15 Welcome and introductory remarks by Pol Dalmau (UPF) 

15:15 –16:15 Keynote Lecture: 

Martin Dusinberre (University of Zurich), “Transplantation and the Promise of a Pacific Future at the turn of the 20th century”
16:15 – 16:45 Coffee Break
17:15 – 19:00, Session 1: Micro-global history
- Stephen Jacobson (UPF), “Global Microhistory and Its Critics: Theory, Practice and Transatlantic revolutionaries”
- Lucy Riall (European University Institute), “Biography and the Micro-Global”
- Christian De Vito (University of Bonn), “Unthinking Scale: Connected Singularities, Social Practices and Multiple Temporalities”
- Jeanne Moisand (Université Paris 1- Panthéon-Sorbonne), “The other possible worlds of the Canton de Cartagena”

Chair: Bartolomé Yun (Pablo de Olavide University)

20:30, DINNER

Friday, 22 April
09:00 – 10:45, Session 2: Utopias in the modern world
- Juan Pro (Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos, CSIC), “Embarcarse hacia el futuro: utopía, modernidad y colonialismo”
- Clément Thibaud (EHEES), “Utopia and "new colonization": an Atlantic experience in the age of abolitions between France, Africa, and Central America, 1815-1840”
- Nere Basabe (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), “Socialistas predicando en el desierto: el sansimonismo y Oriente, entre la utopía y la empresa imperial”
- Robert Kramm (LMU Munich), “Radical Utopia and the Modern World: A Global History from the Margins”
Chair: Albert García Balañà (UPF) 

10:45 – 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 – 12:30, Session 3: Informal colonialism in Asia and the Pacific
- Xavier Huetz de Lemps (Université Côte d’Azur), “A case study in informal imperialism: The French attempt to assert sovereignty over the island of Basilan (Southern Philippines, 1844-1845)”
- Lola Elizalde (CSIC), “Sobre la formalidad y la informalidad de los imperios y los problemas de soberanía en Borneo y el mar de Joló”
- Pol Dalmau (UPF), “A Free and Catholic New France South of the Pacific. Colonialism, Utopias, and Global History in the Nineteenth Century”
Chair: Alex Coello (Director of the Master’s degree in Asia Pacific Studies, UPF)
12:45 – 13:15Concluding remarks 
Josep Maria Fradera (UPF) and Bartolomé Yun-Casalilla (UPO)




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