Atrás Thesis defence: Dr. Petroula Laiou

Thesis defence: Dr. Petroula Laiou



Data-driven analysis of interactions between pairs and ensembles of coupled dynamics
-Dr. Petraoula Laiou
Thesis supervisor: Dr. Ralph G. Andrzejak
Thesis Brief Description: 
The characterization of interactions between coupled dynamics from their signals is important for the understanding of real-world systems. The particular aspect of the detection of directional interactions has a central position in the analysis of dynamics.  In simple unidirectionally coupled dynamics directional interactions can be achieved by applying data-driven approaches. However, for more complex dynamics the characterization of their directional interactions is not so straightforward. To address this problem we follow a data-driven approach by analyzing signals of pairs and ensembles of non-identical coupled dynamics. In particular, we use a nonlinear state-space approach and a phase-based approach. For the pairs of bidirectionally coupled dynamics, we introduce the notion of the coupling impact that allows us to better reveal the real effect that one dynamics has on the other for different  degrees of asymmetry. Furthermore, we show that the coupling and its direction can be detected even for large ensembles of dynamics. Our results demonstrate that directional interactions in complex dynamics can be successfully inferred from the analysis of their signals.  Hence, our work shows that the approaches are promising for a reliable detection of directional interactions from real-world signals.   
Experience as a PhD Student:
I had the great opportunity to do my PhD studies in Barcelona and in particular in UPF. Being part of an interdisciplinary group in an international environment is an excellent combination for every PhD student.  Apart from the interaction with my supervisor,  I also benefited from the communication with many colleagues and friends of the DTIC department. The administrative  staff of our department is unique not only for the work that they do but also for their warm characters and smile.  The university's facilities are great and along with the nice city and weather make UPF the perfect working place.  



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