Atrás Thesis defence: Dr. Waqas Zamir

Thesis defence: Dr. Waqas Zamir



"Perceptually-inspired gamut mapping for display and projection technologies"

-Dr. Syed Waqas Zamir

Thesis supervisors: 

Dr. Marcelo Bertalmío and Dr. Javier Vázquez





Brief Description of the thesis:
The cinema and television industries are continuously working in the development of image features that can provide a better visual experience to viewers; these image attributes include large spatial resolution, high temporal resolution (frame rate), greater contrast, and recently, with emerging display technologies, much wider color gamut. The gamut of a device is the set of colors that this device is capable of reproducing. Different display devices can have different gamuts. Televisions and projectors receive input content (image or movie) in standard gamuts, which they need to reproduce according to their native color gamut using an automatic gamut mapping procedure.
In this thesis, we present several gamut mapping algorithms that comply with some basic global and local perceptual properties of the human visual system and reproduce images according to the full color rendering potential of the display device while preserving the artistic intent of the content’s creator.
Experience as a PhD Student:
As a PhD candidate at UPF, my four years passed in a best way possible, primarily due to my very supportive supervisors who provided me freedom in carrying out research. UPF offers excellent research facilities, conducts interdisciplinary seminars, and it has a highly international environment that is a huge plus in learning from people with diverse backgrounds. I’m very grateful to all the people who were involved in any capacity during my PhD, especially to my friends and the amazing team of secretaries who were always available to provide help with administrative and bureaucratic tasks. Barcelona is very touristic city and it holds several activities throughout the year which had a major role in keeping me out of stress during tough times.



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