Atrás CRES-Seminar Ana M Costa-Ramon

CRES-Seminar Ana M Costa-Ramon

The long run effects of cesarean sections

  • Date: April, 17th At 9:30
  • Room: 24.021 (Ciutadella Campus, Mercè Rodoreda Building. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona)


Abstract: Numerous recent studies have shown an association between cesarean birthing and several adverse outcomes for the mother and the child, with potentially long-run consequences. However, there is a lack of knowledge regarding the causal nature of this relationship. In this paper, we try to help fill this research gap by providing credible causal evidence of the long run effects of cesarean sections on maternal and infant health. To do so, we use exogenous variation in the probability of having a c-section. In particular, we exploit the fact that obstetricians are more likely to perform c-sections during their normal shift on Fridays and working days preceding public holidays, when incentives for leisure become more salient. Using a rich dataset which includes birth, health, educational and employment records for all children born in Finland from 1990 to 2014, and health and employment information for the mother, we explore the impact of mode of delivery on maternal physical and mental wellbeing after birth and on child health until age 20.

Bio: Estudiante de Doctorado del Departamento de Economía y Empresa de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Sus principales áreas de interés se centran en la economía aplicada, en concreto en el análisis de políticas públicas con especial focalización en la economía de la salud, género y educación. Más información: aquí. 



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