VI Morning Symposium at ESUP/DTIC
VI Morning Symposium at ESUP/DTIC
Monday, 18th March 2019, the VI Symposium on Teaching Innovation and Quality at DTIC/ESUP was celebrated. The event was organised by the ESUP/DTIC Teaching Quality and Innovation Support Unit and was attended by almost 30 people, including members of the DTIC/ESUP teaching staff and teaching interns. In the spirit of previous editions (here you can find other years' summaries and programmes), the Symposium aimed to share information on different studies carried out by the USQUID, and mainly to facilitate a forum so that the members of our centre could share, discuss and reflect on their concerns related to teaching, innovation and quality.
The Symposium took place from 10.00 to 13.00h and was led, as usual, by Davinia Hernández-Leo, deputy director for Teaching of the UCA ESUP/DTIC and director of the USQUID. The event comprised the following five sessions: "Teaching, Quality and Innovation in our UCA", "Sharing Concerns and Issues Related to Teaching", "Development and Assessment of Modules", "Actions Taken in Modules: Methods and Tools to Promote Learning" and "Joint Discussion and Reflection".
Session 1: "Teaching, Quality and Innovation in our UCA"
This first session was presented by Davinia Hernández-Leo and Verónica Moreno (USQUID ESUP/DTIC). It focused on offering an overview of the studies conducted by the USQUID this year, which have dealt with an analysis of the use of blended learning in our degrees' teaching, a performance analysis of TFGs [final undergraduate dissertation], as well as the distribution of those depending on areas and topics. Some other subjects dealt with during this first session were the quality processes (follow-up and accreditation) of our centre's degrees and the most significant awards granted to innovative actions implemented by the UCA teaching staff. Global participation results from this year's AVALDO survey were shared, as well as the changes made in the survey regarding content. Last, the attendees were reminded that the centre's pedagogue ([email protected]) is available to discuss or to solve any doubt regarding students with special educative needs of any kind.
Session 2: "Sharing Concerns and Issues Related to Teaching"
Throughout this session, which took a considerable part of the Symposium, several aspects arose that were later transferred to the relevant people or commissions. In addition to that, it was suggested that some of the ideas that emerged could be escalated into projects for the UPF PlaCLIK 2019-2020's call for proposals. Some of the topics covered were: class attendance, opportunities and risk of mobile phones in the classroom vs. laptops, lecturers' experience regarding teaching in classrooms electrified with myApps, tensions between the weight granted to continuous assessment and global assessment in modules, specifically regarding difficulty and relevance so that kind of assessment improves students' involvement in their own learning process, etc.
Session 3: "Development and Assessment of Modules"
This session was led by Alfonso Martínez, coordinator of the first year's common modules in our centre's ICT degrees. He presented some data regarding performance in some first-year modules depending on different variables (minimum grade and ways to access university studies). Consequently, the attendees started discussing what that kind of analysis should be aimed at, as well as about the need to present complementary analyses so the data obtained from the statistics and forecasts can be better understood.
Session 4: "Actions Taken in Modules: Methods and Tools to Promote Learning"
In this session, the teachers of the module Algebra, Luis Morís, Adrián Martín y Vanesa Daza explained how the teaching staff use SLACK as a coordination and communication tool. They consider SLACK a more useful and organised tool than email or others, such as WhatsApp, because it allows them to label threads, mark priority messages, etc. On the whole, the teaching staff value this tool very highly. The lecturers also presented the experience MATEscape, based on an escape game activity in which students, organised in teams, had to solve a series of algebra problems to complete the challenge.
Within the module Digital Data Transmission, lecturer Josep Font shared with the attendees his experience regarding continued assessment in that module. He mainly focused on the strengths and weaknesses of that kind of evaluation so as to invite the attendees to start a reflective debate on the topic.
Session 5: "Joint Discussion and Reflection"
The Symposium ended with a recapitulation of the topics shared and dealt with, and potential future lines of work related to those topics. It was reminded that the USQUID ESUP/DTIC is available to anyone needing help with innovation and teaching quality. At the end of the event, the attendees were thanked for their participation.