Back Adaptation of the Engineering School and the TIC Department to the situation triggered by the COVID-19

Adaptation of the Engineering School and the TIC Department to the situation triggered by the COVID-19



Below we summarise the assessment and actions carried out and the guidance offered in our UCA within the process of adaptation to online teaching.

- Approaches to the monitoring of teaching and distance assessment:

Help guides, discussion forums and guidance for teachers based on the experience from the second term, when assessment methods were adapted to the online format urgently due to the unexpected pandemics. The support documents elaborated are periodically updated based upon experience, lessons learned and reflections shared among all the teachers and researchers of the School.

This documentation aims to guide teachers by providing them with a set of recommendations, which have been carefully conceived, at both the technical and pedagogical levels, to guarantee an accurate, sympathetic and reliable assessment process of distance learning.

- Training done by the School teaching staff to adapt teaching and assessment to the online format:

39 teachers (mostly the ones that coordinate subjects) undertook at least one training activity about how to adapt teaching and assessment to the online format. These training activities were offered by La Factoria + Click.

Apart from this training, teachers in our UCA have obtained specific support from the School management team, the USQUID and the colleagues themselves through different channels. Among those, we highlight the mailing list Docencia Online (‘Online Teaching’), where teachers share their experience about good practice, ask doubts and express their concerns about online assessment and teaching. According to the feedback received, all the teachers have welcomed this forum.

- Methodological changes in assessment and teaching in the 3rd term:

We have analysed the changes proposed in 25 subjects to adapt them to online teaching. Basically, we have noted the following:

  • The most used tool for online teaching in these subjects has been Collaborate (60%).
  • The most used tool to solve doubts and keep close contact with the students has been Forum (12%).
  • In 66.67% of the subjects analysed, there has been no substantial change in contents, methodology and/or assessment.
  • In 83.33% of the subjects analysed, the teachers opted for written exams without the possibility to consult materials. Only in 12.5% of the subjects analysed the teachers opted for the combined option of an oral exam and a written exam with the possibility to consult materials.
  • In most of the subjects, the importance of the students’ implication and personal study is emphasised, which aims to make online classes more interactive and less based on theoretical contents.

- Summary results of the survey conducted among all the students of the School:

  • The element that students have welcomed most is the possibility to access videos of the sessions on Aula Global.
  • Students feel they are overwhelmed with workload:
    • Deadlines should be relaxed.
    • Keep in mind that the technical resources they have at home are different from the ones they can use at the university (performance and memory capacity of their devices), which may make it difficult for them to carry out some assignments.
  • Generally, students do not feel comfortable videoconferencing.
  • Regarding the 3rd term subjects, the students’ preferred combinations of teaching formats were:
    • Recorded lectures uploaded and made available on Aula Global + follow-up activities/continuous assessment.
    • Recorded lectures, shorter than on-site lectures with digital whiteboard + clear explanations on how the subject works from the very first day + prompt response to doubts/requests for feedback.
    • Adaptation of assessment: to focus on continuous assessment by reducing the percentage of the grade awarded to the final exam.
    • 20-25 min theory videos to be viewed before the session + doubt-solving sessions via forums or Collaborate + quality feedback + teachers’ willingness.
    • The fact that sessions are synchronous is often welcomed as an element that allows students to follow a routine.



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