UPF Business Shuttle-Innovation Unit
- Unit Head: Ana Sagardoy
Postal address
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Mercè Rodoreda building (Ciutadella campus)
Wellington, 30-40
08005 Barcelona
Telephone: +34 93 542 15 67
Fax : +34 93 542 20 02
E-mail : [email protected]
Website : https://www.upf.edu/web/innovacio
The UPF Business Shuttle-Innovation Unit, an organic part of the service, is responsible for coordinating institutional initiatives in the R+D+i sphere; coordinating on and arranging the mixed research structures policy in the UPF group; advising on and arranging contracts and agreements with businesses and institutions; disseminating, promoting and managing the transfer and appraisal of technology and knowledge; promoting entrepreneurship in the university community; planning, promoting and managing the parks assigned to it.
The UPF Business Shuttle-Innovation Unit is organized in two functional areas:
- Knowledge Transfer
- Entrepreneurship
- Knowledge Transfer is responsible for identifying and appraising technologies and knowledge with innovative and market potential; protecting the results of research; managing industrial property rights and software; advising on and arranging contracts and agreements with businesses and institutions, and knowledge transfer contracts and licences; advising on the start-up of technological and knowledge-intensive businesses, and managing the UPF's participation in them.
- The Entrepreneurship Area is responsible for fostering the entrepreneurial spirit among the university community, in coordination with the UPF Foundation's programme for promotion and enterprise; advising and supporting entrepreneurs on the technical and economic feasibility of their business project; organizing training initiatives, lectures, meetings of entrepreneurs, workshops and networking activities, and managing the UPF-Business Shuttle nurseries.