Back UPF Business Shuttle-Innovation Unit

  • Unit Head: Ana Sagardoy

Postal address

Universitat Pompeu Fabra 
Mercè Rodoreda building (Ciutadella campus) 
Wellington, 30-40 
08005 Barcelona


Telephone: +34 93 542 15 67
Fax : +34 93 542 20 02
E-mail : [email protected]
Website :


The UPF Business Shuttle-Innovation Unit, an organic part of the service, is responsible for coordinating institutional initiatives in the R+D+i sphere; coordinating on and arranging the mixed research structures policy in the UPF group; advising on and arranging contracts and agreements with businesses and institutions; disseminating, promoting and managing the transfer and appraisal of technology and knowledge; promoting entrepreneurship in the university community; planning, promoting and managing the parks assigned to it.

The UPF Business Shuttle-Innovation Unit is organized in two functional areas:

  • Knowledge Transfer 
  • Entrepreneurship
  1. Knowledge Transfer is responsible for identifying and appraising technologies and knowledge with innovative and market potential; protecting the results of research; managing industrial property rights and software; advising on and arranging contracts and agreements with businesses and institutions, and knowledge transfer contracts and licences; advising on the start-up of technological and knowledge-intensive businesses, and managing the UPF's participation in them.
  2. The Entrepreneurship Area is responsible for fostering the entrepreneurial spirit among the university community, in coordination with the UPF Foundation's programme for promotion and enterprise; advising and supporting entrepreneurs on the technical and economic feasibility of their business project; organizing training initiatives, lectures, meetings of entrepreneurs, workshops and networking activities, and managing the UPF-Business Shuttle nurseries.