Director of the Equalty Unit
- Director of the Equalty Unit: M. José González López
Postal address
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27
08005 Barcelona
Phone: +34 93 542 2730
E-mail: [email protected]
The roles of the Equality Unit consist of:
a) Preparing diagnostic reports on the status of the Equality Plan and coordinating the implementation of the University’s Equality Plan, through the institutional monitoring mechanism provided for in the Plan.
b) Carrying out studies to evaluate, monitor and assess the degree of compliance with legislation on equality between women and men, and the plans and measures proposed or applied to promote and achieve effective equality.
c) Advising the various academic and administrative bodies, services and units on matters of gender equality policies, and, where appropriate, proposing and promoting measures to correct inequalities and non-compliances detected.
d) Coordinating the people and units involved in the preparation, application, monitoring and evaluation of gender equality and sexual diversity policies at the University.
e) Disseminating regular and systematic information on the situation and development of the principle of equality between women and men at UPF and on actions for its promotion, as well as to make it easier for the university community to put forward initiatives, opinions and proposals in this regard.
f) Proposing and promoting measures that facilitate training, research, transfer, conciliation and management with a gender perspective, as well as proposing measures that enhance the balanced presence of men and women in corporate bodies.
g) Proposing and promoting measures that safeguard the rights of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender and intersex people, and that enforce the principles of non-discrimination and respect for sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.
h) Preventing and, where appropriate, addressing situations of gender-based violence, LGBTIphobia and sexual harassment that affect members of the university community in accordance with the University protocols or regulations.
i) Providing support services to persons affected by the situations described above.
She is an Associate Professor in the Department of Political and Social Science at Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona (UPF, Barcelona), member of the SocioDemographics Research Group (DemoSoc). In the past she worked in the Centre for Demographic Studies at the UAB in Barcelona (Spain), and was visiting scholar at the Department of Population Studies in ‘El Colegio de la Frontera Norte’ in Tijuana (Mexico), the Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies at the UCSD (USA), and the Gender Institute at the LSE (UK). She has worked in different national and international research projects on family formation, child care, child poverty, fatherhood/motherhood, division of domestic labour and child care by gender, and social and gender inequalities.
Her research deals with stereotypes, prejudices and labour market discrimination of women with young children and also analyzes the impact of family policies on the distribution of care and domestic work time in couples. She also participates in the transPARENT Network, which brings together national experts of gender relations and division of labour from different European countries and the IMPLICA Project - Promoting work-life balance from companies, which studies men’s participation in childcare and the promotion of work-life balance from companies.
She was appointed by the rector on 1 October 2023.