Commissioner for the UPF Group
- Commissioner: Carles Ramió Matas
Postal address
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Edifici Mercè
Carrer de la Mercè 12
08002 Barcelona
Phone number: 93 542 20 00
E-Mail: [email protected]
The commissioner for the UPF Group shall, under the guidance of the rector, coordinate and oversee the following matters:
- Collaboration between UPF and all affiliated centres
- Advise on UPF Group strategy
- Analyse affiliation policies, especially of higher education institutions
He is a full professor of Political and Administration Science at UPF. He is a Doctor in Political and Administration Science by the UAB and a graduate in Political Sciences and Sociology by the UCM. He has been the director of the Public Administration School of Catalonia, president of Ivàlua and vice-president of the Justice Department's Centre for Legal Studies and Specialized Training.
At UPF he has held the positions of vice-rector for Teaching and of vice-rector for Planning and Evaluation, dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences and Public Management, director of the CQUID and delegate of the rector for Strategic Planning.
His research deals with public management (new institutional designs, public management, organization theory, administrative reform, human resources, electronic government and public-private partnerships). He has published 16 books and 120 scientific articles on these subjects.
He has been a member of the expert committees and has provided advisory services to several Latin American states, to the BID, the Generalitat (government) of Catalonia, Barcelona Provincial Council, Barcelona City Council, the State General Administration, and several autonomous and local administrative authorities.