Back The FACCTMedia project (2020-2024) concludes with the fact-checking conference

The FACCTMedia project (2020-2024) concludes with the fact-checking conference

More than 15 speakers discussed the challenges and opportunities of fact-checking and artificial intelligence in the face of disinformation in the journalistic, educational and academic fields


Imatge inicial - Taules rodones de les jornades “Reptes ètics i tecnològics del fact-checking per combatre la desinformació al context acadèmic i professional

The Political Communication, Journalism and Democracy research group (POLCOM-GRP) held the Fact-Checking Conference on November 18 and 19, “Ethical and technological challenges of fact-checking to combat disinformation in the academic and professional context,” as the conclusion of the FACCTMEDIA project “Accountability instruments against disinformation: Impact of fact-checking platforms as accountability tools and curricular proposal”, funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, and in which the following members participated: Ruth Rodriguez, Marcel Mauri, Xavier Ramon, Pilar Suárez, Christopher Tulloch, Roger Cuartielles and Saman Choudary.

The four round tables, which you will be able to access soon on Youtube, addressed the challenges of disinformation and fact-checking from the educational field, the journalistic profession and academic research. These panels were moderated and participated by colleagues Xavier Ramon, Roger Cuartielles, including PhD Candidates Karma Peiró, Isaac Salvatierra and Carlos Franco.

The project's principal investigators, Ruth Rodríguez and Marcel Mauri, also presented the fundamental results of these almost five years of Facctmedia activities, which were covered in the press with appearances in reports in the newspapers ARA and La Vanguardia. From the press release, you can review the main headlines of the project's academic publications, including the curricular proposal in terms of transfer: