Back PROCÉS, a sound journey through the Industrial Revolution in Catalonia

PROCÉS, a sound journey through the Industrial Revolution in Catalonia

Friday 29 April, 20h. Sala Aranyó (Campus UPF Poblenou)

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Next Friday, April 29, we will put the finishing touch to the residency of Emilio Marx, who in the last six months has developed an artistic research work around the creation of immersive soundscapes from recordings of industrial machinery and factories of Catalonia in the nineteenth century, as part of a project of documentation of acoustic heritage.



PROCÉS is a sound composition by Pi. (Emilio Marx) developed during his stay at Phonos. All the sounds of this piece have been recorded on original machinery of the Catalan industrialization process (19th century) during this last year. In this multichannel piece of three movements the sounds have been distributed in the space by layers, just as in an orchestra the instruments are grouped according to their nature. No sound has been processed. No sound has been recreated. This is PROCÉS, a transit through the beauty and brutality of industrialization.

This piece of about 25 minutes will be supported live by generative visual elements by Joan Lavandeira and will be recorded on video and audio for later editing.

Pi. (Emilio Marx) is a sound artist based in Barcelona dedicated to the composition of noise and ambient pieces. His raw material are mechanical, acoustic and electromagnetic sounds recorded by himself during his sound research.

Joan Lavandeira is an engineer and visual sound artist. He works in the intervention of architecture with sound and visual elements through new technologies. He develops both individual projects (live A/V performance with the alias of Manuel Thoms, randomVOLT, FTDI, uqbar/**tlön, Kipple) and collective projects (dance, contemporary circus and performance) that allow to reflect on the space and how the body and the new territories or representations related to the current practices of representation with the scenic spaces are related. She is part of the Haa collective, a performing arts company, and is currently part of the Patrimonio Acustic collective.

With the support of: