Back MTG 2022 figures and impact

MTG 2022 figures and impact

by Sonia Espí


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This blog post summarizes the most relevant metrics of the MTG activity in terms of the structure of the research group, projects, outputs, and impact in 2022.


The MTG community is quite large, with 46 team members and about 50 people linked to the group, including master students, visiting researchers and external collaborators.


However, the size of the team has reduced this year due mainly to the end of some projects.


Funded projects and tech transfer

In 2022 we started 6 new public and private projects (out of 17 currently funded projects).


In addition we obtained 3 new competitive fellowships for postdoctoral researchers that joined the team this year. And we signed 17 software license agreements (a significant increase compared to the previous years).

At the end of 2022 one of our spin-off companies, Voctro Labs, was acquired by the company Voicemod.

Research outputs

In terms of outputs, we had quite a number of new publications:

  • Articles: 32 publications (4 journals, 28 conferences) (cumulative > 1000, with a cumulative number of citations > 28700)
  • PhD thesis: 8 (cumulative 76)
  • Master thesis: 15 (cumulative 276)

and released some platforms and tools:

  • Song Describer: a platform for collecting textual descriptions of music recordings (app of the month on Streamlit).
  • CompIAM: Common tools for the computational analysis of Indian Art Music

The use of our software and dataset keeps growing, having a significant increase in the annual activity compared to 2021:

  • Essentia: >25K downloads in 2022.  Essentia.js: 4K downloads in 2022
  • Freesound: 23.6 Millions of sounds downloaded
  • Datasets: >36k downloads in 2022 (190k cumulative)

Read the Freesound in numbers 2022 blog post to know more about the impact of Freesound.


In terms of communication of our research:

We developed the interactive installation Music Dimensions, part of an exhibition about AI at CaixaForum. The installation shows some of the results of TELMI project.

In addition, MTG members participated in 14 academic conferences and gave 4 keynote speeches. And also participated in a number of non-academic dissemination events as panelists or speakers, such as PuzzleX, Primavera Pro or Oracle4Girls.

We reflect all of our relevant activities in the news section of the MTG website, Twitter and LinkedIn. You will find there more information about the past and upcoming activities and news. This year the number of followers in the social networks increased, specially in LinkedIn.



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