[AUDIO] ORCHSET: A dataset for melody extraction in symphonic music recordings
Orchset is intended to be used as a dataset for the development and evaluation of melody extraction algorithms. This collection contains 64 audio excerpts focused on symphonic music. with their corresponding annotation of the melody.
Melody is here defined as “the single (monophonic) pitch sequence that a listener might reproduce if asked to whistle or hum a piece of polyphonic music”.
The dataset creation comprised several tasks: excerpts selection, recording sessions of people singing along with the excerpts, analysis of the recordings and melody annotation. A complete description of the dataset and the creation methodology is presented in this paper:
Bosch, J., Marxer, R., Gomez, E., “Evaluation and Combination of Pitch Estimation Methods for Melody Extraction in Symphonic Classical Music”, Journal of New Music Research
For full details please go here