Dominguez M, Farrus M, Wanner L. A Thematicity-based Prosody Enrichment Tool for CTS. Interspeech 2017.
List of results published directly linked with the projects co-funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the María de Maeztu Units of Excellence Program (MDM-2015-0502).
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Dominguez M, Farrus M, Wanner L. A Thematicity-based Prosody Enrichment Tool for CTS. Interspeech 2017.
Dominguez M, Farrus M, Wanner L. A Thematicity-based Prosody Enrichment Tool for CTS. Interspeech 2017.
This paper presents a demonstration of a stochastic prosody tool for enrichment of synthesized speech using SSML prosody tags applied over hierarchical thematicity spans in the context of a CTS application. The motivation for using hierarchical thematicity is exemplified, together with the capabilities of the module to generate a variety of prosody control tags within a controlled range of values depending on the input thematicity label.
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