Back Online Closing Session of the MA Programs of the Dept of Translation and Language Sciences, UPF

Online Closing Session of the MA Programs of the Dept of Translation and Language Sciences, UPF

Estudis del Discurs: Comunicació, Societat  i  Aprenentatge

Estudis de Traducció

Traducció entre Llengües Globals: Xinès-Espanyol

Lingüística Teòrica i Aplicada




Online Closing Session of the MA Programs of the Dept of Translation and Language Sciences, UPF

Títol: "From Grice to the brain: electrophysiological and clinical perspectives on the pragmatics of language", a càrrec de la Professora Valentina Bambini (University School for Advanced Studies IUSS, Pavia)

Dia: dimarts 13 de juliol

Hora: 15.30 pm

15:30 Some words from the Coordinators of the 4 MA Programs

15:40 Online Talk


Gricean pragmatics contributed to define a model of non-literal language understanding
based on inferences about the speaker’s meaning. What is the psychological and neural
reality of these processes? The talk will try to answer this question by presenting a series of
studies on the electrophysiology of metaphor comprehension. The talk will also illustrate
the disruption of the mechanisms supporting non-literal language comprehension in
pathological conditions, with special reference to schizophrenia and concrete thinking.



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