Issue 10 of the magazine '360upf' examines the University’s commitment to knowledge transfer
Issue 10 of the magazine '360upf' examines the University’s commitment to knowledge transfer
The latest edition includes interviews and reports on one of the University’s main strategic lines as well as various projects by students, alumni and researchers that are enhancing this area
One of Pompeu Fabra University’s main missions is to enable the knowledge generated to feed back directly to society to help improve the competitiveness of the country and the wellbeing of the population. In fact, it is one of the University’s main commitments for the coming years, hence the tenth issue of 360upf, the University’s magazine, examines and concretizes the University’s commitment to knowledge transfer and presents projects that enhance this area, by students, alumni and researchers.
The “Community” section, which opens the issue, presents an extensive report of the current situation, which is completed by an interview with Eulàlia de Nadal, vice-rector for Knowledge Transfer.
The “Community” section, which opens the issue, reflects this commitment by the University whose new governing team has included the creation of the Office of the vice-rector for Knowledge Transfer
In this line, “Visions UPF”, a new section to appear in issue 9 of the magazine, features a conversation between Tom Hockaday, director of Technology Transfer Innovation, and Marta Guardiola, a PhD from UPF and founder of the spin-off MiWEndo Solutions. They talk about the process of creating a spin-off, the main challenges of the process, and the role played by the University in this regard. In addition, in the “Kaleidoscope” section, this time under the title “Knowledge dissemination”, several experts in the field of communication and scientific dissemination contribute their vision.
In the “Innova” and “Zoom” sections you can discover two very different projects by students and alumni of the University, both related to the dissemination and transfer of knowledge. On the one hand, project pHill, a medical device to facilitate the diagnosis of gastroesophageal diseases, developed by a group of students of the degree in Biomedical Engineering within the framework of a subject, and on the other, Mentrimentres, a podcast by two students of the degree in Humanities containing interviews about the world of publishing.
In the “Innova” and “Zoom” sections you can discover two very different projects by students and alumni of the University, both related to the dissemination and transfer of knowledge
Finally, the “Profile” and “Our alumni” sections interview two relevant figures when talking about knowledge transfer, both linked to the University. First is a chat with Jordi Balló, director of the UPF Department of Communication, and second, with Pere Duran, an alumni of Economics and director of 4 Years From Now (4YFN), where UPF was present promoting spinoffs and startups linked to its community.
10 issues of the magazine ‘360upf’
With this new publication, the magazine has been running for five academic years and is in its tenth issue. Hence, the section “Tres60” takes a look back at previous issues. During this time, the magazine has been recognized by the Press Office awards of the Association of Journalists in 2018, in the best communication innovation category, and by the European Association of Communication Professionals in Higher Education (EUPRIO), which awarded it second prize for best European communication project.
With this new publication, the magazine has been running for five academic years and is in its tenth issue. Hence, the section "Tres60” takes a look back at previous issues.
The magazine was born in October 2017 and did so in digital format, abandoning the paper format of the previous magazine, UPF.EDU. Ten issues later, such diverse topics as the cross-disciplinary model of responsible research and innovation, the Planetary Wellbeing concept, gender equality, covid, culture, EDvolution and artificial intelligence have all been dealt with.